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        Ephesians 4:26  "And don't sin by letting anger gain control over you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry."


         Once upon a time, there lived a family of three - father, mother and a son. The son always got angry when he was asked to do something or the other. He reacted with words of displeasure. His father and mother were worried about his bad behaviour. One day, his father called him and gave him a hammer and a box full of nails. Further he said; whenever you get angry, take a nail and fix it on the wall with the hammer. After a few days, the son told his father that he had finished all the nails. His father gave him another instruction; saying, whenever you are able to control your anger, remove one nail each from the wall. After many weeks, the son told his father that all the nails were removed. Immediately his father took him and went to the wall where the nails were removed. The wall was totally ugly with lots of deep marks and cuts. The painted wall seemed like a battle ground


   By witnessing the state of the wall, the father said to his son: When we speak words of bitterness and displeasure in anger, it causes cuts and deep wounds in the hearts of people, like the nail marks on the wall. Though the nail is removed, its mark remains. It is very difficult to bring healing to the wounds and ease the pain of people's hearts, other than through the salvation power of the gospel of peace. Let us not allow anger to reign over us.


    Before the sun sets, reconcile with the other party, ask forgiveness and receive freedom. Prepare yourself to go to bed as if you will never awake.




Story of the Week

Be Quiet When In Anger


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