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'The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives'. (NLT Psalm 37:23)


During the reign of the late Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Amir of Bahrain, on the evening of June 27th 1993, two brothers and one sister in Christ joined to start a Malayalam prayer cell at the house of one of the brothers. Those three were Brother Alexander Samuel, my wife Aleyamma Koshy and myself Koshy Eapen.

Statement of Faith


While we realize that we cannot confine God to a mere article of faith, we also recognize the importance of doctrine in these days, when people are being led by false teachings. To avoid being misled, it is important for every believer to have a firm grounding in the fundamental doctrines of the Holy Bible.

Vision & Mission


The vision of The Father’s House is to be “Salt and light” to this nation of Bahrain by transforming people to reflect the image and mind of Jesus Christ through the teachings of the Word of God, worship and charity.

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