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                  Wednesday 19th September 2012, I received a surprise healing in our Church intercessory meeting. I had gone to pray for others and for various situations which God would communicate to us through the Holy Spirit, but not for myself. We always begin with a time of praise and worship but on that occasion it was particularly powerful as I felt we were all united in our devotion to our heavenly Father and to Jesus.


  Unexpectedly, Pastor Koshy invited people to indicate whether they needed healing and he would anoint them with oil. I hesitated because my problems did not seem serious, although they were worrisome. (Since returning to Bahrain, I had begun to get nose bleeds in the morning and evening. I ascribed these to dust and air conditioning, but as I had previously registered rather high blood pressure, I feared its recurrence.) Then I remembered something Pastor Joyce Meyer had said: God cares for our small as well as our big problems. So I knelt at the last minute and was duly anointed. I recall that my heart was full of praise and love, without any doubt about the healing. I believe all this was the work of the Holy Spirit, who also enabled me to thank God immediately for my healing. I was still praising and thanking God as I left Father’s House. It had been a wonderful evening.


  Since then, I have had no nose bleeds; and I believe that my blood pressure is normal. I am writing this testimony for two reasons. Firstly, we should cement our belief in our healing by declaring it openly before the devil gets a chance to sow doubt; and secondly, I want to encourage others to bring every need, however small, to our loving heavenly Father, God Almighty. Let Him judge its importance; after all, He sees more clearly than we do. Looking back on Wednesday, I am convinced that it was the fervour of our praise which made my healing so easy. What did Paul say? “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6, 7)


   I give all glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ who took our infirmities and carried all our weakness on the cross and gave healings and health in my life.

Dr. Linda Bilton


Healed of an issue of Nose Bleeds 

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